Saturday, March 3, 2012

family lovin' ; & a welcome to baby 3, 4, &5 ♥.

Hi guys, it's me again.. Okay, so I finally was able to sleep.. I slept for atleast 12 hours.. I was so tired. Now that I had extra energy, I went for a run to burn off my baby fat.

I aged Kaile up. He has chocolate brown eyes, and my hair colour! <3 

Harvey & Kaile played peek-a-boo! I'm so happy my boys are getting along.

I taught Kaile how to speak... 

& walk

~Next morning~
Harvey woke up, and made his own breakfast -cereal.

Then he got on the bus & headed for school! 

I stayed home and cleaned for most of the day, nothing special happened. 

I rewarded myself by going for a walk in the park. When I got there, I bumped into a man..
"Oh gosh, I'm so so sorry for bumping into you.."
He looked up at me and smiled, "Oh, don't worry about it! It's okay!"
I sighed, "Oh thank god... I'm Wynter by the way, I just moved into the house by the waterfall."
"It's a pleasure to meet you Wynter, my name is Christopher."
I thought to myself, wow, this guy is really great. He's so polite!
We became good friends very quickly, and I guess I got a little carried away..

I tried to kiss him... 
"Um, Wynter... I'm not ready for this yet.. We've only met just this once.."
"It's ok... I understand.. Sorry.."

We got to know eachother more, and I finally worked up the courage to invite him to my place.. 
He accepted. :)

He told me that he knew me well enough to have a little fun ;)
So we did.. I heard the lullaby

His pj's are pretty interesting, I thought to myself as I relaxed.
I had never seen a man wearing cow print pj's, not to mention his pj's match.

I went downstairs to watch some cartoons. This episode was really funny.. I just wish Harvey didn't have school.. & I wish Kaile could actually walk around with me and understand english.. Then they could watch it with me.

I ate a watermelon as I watched the shows, I heard from someone that if you eat watermelon's, then you'll have an increased chance of having a girl. It's nice to have boys, but atleast one girl would be nice. Then I could take her to go shopping, and mani's &pedi's..
"Oh gosh... I really should find a man soon. He could take my children out to the park, and play catch..."

I heard someone walking down the stairs... 
"oh god, I think there's someone in my house...!"
I started freaking out, this would be terrible... 
Turns out it was just Harvey. 
I let out a big sigh, "Oh thank god it was just you Harvey.. I tho-"
He interrupted me.
He seemed really upset..
"Sorry Baby.. I'm so sorry... Can you forgive me? I promise I'll take you somewhere soon!"
He didn't even respond.. He just trudged away; dragging his feet as he went back upstairs.

I figured I should spend more time with my boys, so I walked upstairs to see Kaile.. He was really happy to see me..

Harvey had gone to school without even saying Hi.. I figured he was mad about this morning.. And he should be. I'm such a failure as a mother..
It was Kaile's birthday, so I aged him up!

(This is Kaile)

Now that Kaile could run around, him & Christopher played tag.. 
I'm really happy they get along.. 

My happiness was interrupted by me throwing up..

Later, around dinner time, I had a big talk to the boys. I apologized to both of them, for not being there. I think Harvey's better now.. He didn't seem as upset. We had a nice family dinner together.

After they went to bed, I started practising my writing skills.. I haven't worked for a long time.... I was very low on money.. So I wrote a few chapters of a book to make money.

The day was just getting better, not only did Harvey accept my apology, but I just found out that I'm pregnant for the 3rd time!

When the bus got here, I looked over, and saw some random deer jumping around trying to get inside.. Weirdest thing, EVER.

Here's a picture of my boys on the bus

I drove to the school because Harvey had forgotten his lunch, and when I was on my way there, that ice cream truck was following me... Awkward

When Harvey& Kaile got home, Harvey asked me for some help with his homework.

We sat there for a couple hours working on homework, I didn't mind though. It's nice to help out my boy. 

After some motehr-son bonding, I decided it was time for Harvey to age up.

(This is Harvey, he's now a teen)

Kaile went out for a bike ride. I practically yelled at him when he got home because; 
1. he wasn't wearing a helmet. 
2. it was past curfew. 
And 3. he never asked.

Harvey helped out with dishes from dinner, he's becoming a great man, I can see him being a father of many kids when he grows up.

As I walked to the exercise room, I saw how big I was getting, I was hoping for twin girls.
Then I would have 2 of each gender.

I worked out for a couple hours, I got really sweaty so I dragged my tired self p the stairs and took a shower. 

On the way back downstairs, I had contractions. The baby (ies) was/were coming! 

I hurried to the hospital, Harvey took care of Kaile while I was gone. 
They both gave me a thumbs up before I got in the taxi.

After 4 hours of pushing, I gave birth to not one, not two, but THREE babies.
I aged them up right away.. Sorry guys

Baby #3: Carl Kessler
He has my blue eyes, and his Dad's dirty blonde hair.

Baby #4: Poupurri Kessler
She has black hair (?) and my blue eyes.

And finally, Baby #5: Peyton Kessler (named after a friend over mine)
She has my blonde hair, with some of her dad's darker blonde mixed in, and she has her dad's eyes.

I awoke next morning to the sound of my 3 new babies crying, I walked into their room and saw Harvey taking care of them all. 
He's definitely going to be a father when he grows up, I thought to myself.

I spent some time with Poupurri, I taught her how to walk, talk, and I even potty trained her. She's so beautiful

Kaile watched over Carl, as Harvey went to work. 

They also played peek-a-boo, Kaile is a great brother.

I told Kaile that he could go play. He walked into the playroom and played with his toys. I started teaching Carl how to walk, and talk, and I potty trained him too.

Thanks for reading guys, the next adventure of mine will be told in the next day (maybe two?)
For now, I'm going to do all the kids' laundry.. (sigh)
Have a great day!
~Wynter Kessler ♥


  1. loved the post wynter. great job.

  2. Nice posts, take some time to edit through them!
    And another helpful hint, for your pictures, make sure that your walls are up (we all know what it looks like when they're down, it'll just help) and if you press the 'TAB' button, then you can get some pretty cool looking pictures!
    Love the posts, thanks for following Summer's blog!

    1. Yeah, it bothers me too when the walls are down. But sometimes they just have to, because if I'm trying to take a picture of Wynter, and she's like, in a small room, it's hard because the walls get in the way. :)
      But thanks :)
